Top 10 BERNINA Customer Problems


Sewing with Cody and Pete

Top 10 BERNINA Customer Problems

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Here is a list of issues/problems that my customers have encountered over the years with our BERNINA machines. All are common, some more than others. I hope this list will help everyone when they have one of these issues either diagnose it and help them fix it. Or at least know it’s time for them to bring their machine in for service.

  1. Bobbin Winder Noise

    1. When a customer turns on their machine and they hear a humming noise this is the bobbin winder motor running or trying to wind a bobbin. Some machines like the new 4 series when the bobbin winder motor is running the screen doesn’t change. This is because on that series of machine you can’t adjust the speed of the bobbin winder motor. However on the 5 series and 7 series when the bobbin winder motor is running the screen changes and shows a slide bar so you can adjust the speed of the motor. 

  2. Error 1010

    1. The error 1010 basically means the machine can’t rotate the hook (bobbin/bobbin case). So this typically means something is jamming it. You’ve noticed whenever you first turn on the machine and when you take your first stitch after turning on your machine it makes noises. These noises your machine is making is it checking to make sure everything is running and moving properly. If the machine fails at these tests (a jam in the bobbin) then it will give you an error message. Usually the error message you get is this 1010.

      1. So what to do? 

        1. Rethread the machine Top and Bobbin just to make sure; it’s a good rule of thumb. 

        2. Take out your bobbin and bobbin-case, also take out the round metal hook that’s magnetic (this is where the bobbin-case sits when it’s in your machine. Typically you will find a thread (could be quite small sometimes) or a needle but typically you will find the culprit that was keeping your machine from operating properly. 

  3. Noisy Machine

    1. This is far too common; a noisy machine usually always means the machine needs oil. Remember BERNINA machines are made with many metal parts; metal on metal needs lubricating (oil) just like your car. With BERNINA machines that have large jumbo bobbins they need oil after about 1-2 full bobbins depending on the thread weight that is in the bobbin. The noise you are hearing is the metal racket as the hook is spinning, when it’s dry.

  4. Skipped Stitches 

    1. A few things can cause skipped stitches

      1. The machine needs some oil. I've seen this on many occasions. Not all machines will get noisy when they need oil but they do have other ways of indicating they need lubricating. 

      2. The most common culprit for skipped stitches, The Needle!!!

        1. The needle could be the wrong size for the fabric and thread. Needles come in different types for different applications (materials) and different sizes for fabric thickness and thread size. 

        2. The needle could be dull, bent, broken or just have burr (rough pieces) on the needle. So replace the needle and you typically fix your skipped stitches.  

  5. Thread Shredding or Breaking

    1. Needle is too small for the thread, or the needle has a burr on it so it needs to be changed. *Remember you want to make sure your needle matches the size of your thread. A 70/10 needle shouldn’t be used with a thread 30wt or smaller thread for example. 

    2. Cheap or low quality thread, not all thread is created equally.

      1. Rayon thread is very weak. It's prone to breaking and shredding.

      2. Cotton is also a weaker fiber at thinner weights. Most cotton weights we use are at 50 or higher so they usually don’t have a problem with breaking and shredding. 

      3. Polyester threads are usually the strongest but the thread can stretch a little which can also require some machine adjustments to make them work with some projects but otherwise a wonderful thread for many applications. 

  6. The Semi Automatic Needle threader?

    1. This troubles all new BERNINA customers, so if you are new to BERNINA don’t stress if the needle threader is giving you fits. Check out my video. I show the three mistakes people make when using it. 

  7. Nesting a little in the beginning when sewing

    1. What we are seeing here is when we start sewing usually the sewer doesn’t notice anything until they are done and look at the backside of their fabric and they see the little nest of thread (top thread).

      1. What we see here is the top thread tail, which was allowed to be pulled underneath when the sewing started. So there is an easy fix for this. So when you start sewing and you have your tail that is coming from your needle make sure you hold that down usually with your left hand to prevent it from being pulled underneath your project. Once your machine makes a stitch or two you can let go and you are good to go. 

  8. Machine is stitching in place in the beginning every time I start sewing. 

    1. This is the machine making a securing stitch before you start sewing every time. This is a setting that most machines nowadays come set to by default. Most people want this turned off because so many times when we start sewing we start with our needle right off the edge of the fabric and this can cause a thread jam if it stitches in place 4 or so stitches. So it’s easy to turn off. Go to setting (gears)>then sewing setting (straight stitch and zig zag)> then select the icon that has a needle and what looks like a pretzel (green means it will secure the stitch red means it’s disabled). As a quilter I keep mine off. 

  9. Thread jams after a stitch or two

    1. If you encounter a thread jam right off the bat? After just a stitch or two! This usually means that the machine is/was threaded incorrectly. So my rule of thumb once you clear the jam make sure to Rethread the top (where the problem usually came from) but also rethread the bobbin thread to cover all of your bases. 

  10. Thread jamming up after using thread cutter

    1. At some point you will encounter that your machine may not cut every thread or the thread cutter may start jamming up after you tell it to cut the threads. Or when the machine cuts automatically in embroidery the machine may hold onto the threads. You may encounter a number of different scenarios, but they are usually related to the thread cutter. The little blade of the cutter can only take so much use. I find that the thread cutter has an average life span 18-24 months. Yes some go bad before then and some well past then. It depends on how it’s used. Here are some things you can do if you start to have issues with it.

      1. Clean the thread catcher. (I have a video on this) The machine is going to prompt you to do this after 1000 thread cuts. However even if the machine hasn’t prompted for you to do this if you’re having issues it can’t hurt to do it. 

      2. See what bobbin thread you are using, Some threads, especially some that are designed for bobbins, some of our BERNINA machines don’t like. some of the bobbin threads that are real silky. Some threads like “Bobbin Line” by Superior our 4,5 and 7 series thread cutters and do not like them. So just see if what thread you are using is causing the issue.

      3. However like I mentioned the cutters don’t last forever so it is probably time to have your machine serviced and the techs typically change the cutters out. They aren’t an expense part. FYI they are not covered under warranty because it is a wear and tear part. 

        1. There are some things that can happen that can damage a cutter before it’s time. 

          1. Needle hitting it

          2. A thread jam that was removed not so gently

          3. Also if you hear something while sewing and it doesn’t sound right and you keep sewing. If you hear something that doesn’t sound right you should stop and see what’s going on because you may be causing more harm.

Hope these 10+ issues customers have will help answer some questions you may have and also hope to prevent you from having such issues yourself.  Happy Sewing


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