Lazy Star Block 2


Lazy Star Block 2

Here is block 2 in our Lazy Stars Quilt. This block builds on what we did already with Block 1. We will be cutting a few more pieces for each square but we will be using the ruler. :)

Make sure you watch the YouTube video before attempting this will just save you some trouble and make it easier to understand. Remember the videos can be found on the Sewing with Cody and Pete Channel in the Lazy Star Playlist. 

This is one of the 10 ½” Blocks


Remember to always press your seams after you sew, also always press to the darker fabric. This ensures your ¼” seam doesn’t show Through.

WOF - With of Fabric, meaning from salvage to salvage


Fill in your colors that you are using

Fabric A = Pink  ________________

Fabric B = Teal ________________

Fabric C = light Cream ___________

Background = White _____________

Step 1

Cut 1 strips from Fabric A , B and Background that is 5 ½” WOF

(Make sure to start with a clean straight edge…


(Cut 1 Strip 5 ½”)

Step 2

Cut 4 Large Trapezoids from Fabric A

(Cut 4 large trapezoids 5 ½”, notice where ruler is placed, the fabric is double folded here ***using solids makes cutting this much easier)

Step 3 

Cut 8 Smaller Trapezoids from the Background

Cut 4 Smaller Trapezoids from Fabric B

(you’ll cut one with the ruler in this orientation * 2 if the fabric is doubled*)

( now for the next cut from this strip you'll flip the ruler to the back. Notice there are markings/measurements on the backside of the ruler… How cool is that?!)

Step 4 

Sew large trapezoid Fabric A to 1 smaller background trapezoid. Do this for the rest of the blocks. Now press seam towards the dark side (Fabric A side)

Step 5 

Using ruler cut other side of the block

(Noticed the fabric’s orientation, this is the wrong side of the block we had to flip it over in order to cut it. We are using the 5 ½’ markings on the ruler)

(cut off small triangle and discard)


Step 6

Sew another small background trapezoid to newly cut side of block, Do this for all blocks and then press to the dark side (towards fabric A)

(we’ve sewn the background to the recently cut side now press to the dark side.)

(almost finished, now we are going to cut this one more time.)

Step 7

Cut the 4 squares and then sew Fabric B

(Remember for Block 2 all of our cuts are going to be 5 ½” markings)

(Discard that smaller piece we just cut off)

(Lay Fabric B piece along freshly cut side of square and sew)

(Now it’s sewn, so press to the dark side, in this case it’s fabric B)

(You should end up with four of these 5 ½” blocks)

Step 8

Construct your Block 2. I always like to lay my pieces out to look like how the block is going to finish to make sure I sew the correct sides together. Now sew the top two pieces together then the bottom to pieces together then press seams in two different directions as shown in the video. Now you will sew the two rectangles together along the long seam now press seams open and now you are done with block 2. 

You have just finished block 2. I hope you enjoyed making this block with me. Now stay tuned for next week's block on the YouTube Channel “ Sewing with Cody and Pete”

Petrie is always here ready to help if you have any questions. ;)


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