Lazy Star Quilt Along Block 8


Lazy Star Quilt Along 

Block 8

6 ½” x 6 ½”

I really liked block 8. It's one of those blocks that will look awesome repeated in an entire quilt. 

Printable Version

Step 1

Cut 2 strips one from fabric B and one from the background fabric both should measure 1 ½” x 12”.

Step 2

Cut 1- 2 ½” Square from fabric B. Set aside this is going to be the center of the star.

Step 3

Cut four large trapezoides that measure 2 ½” from fabric A. 

Step 4 

Now cut eight small trapezoides from the background fabric.


You should have two 1 ½” x 12” one from fabric B and one from background, one 2 ½” square from fabric B, four large 2 ½” trapezoides from fabric A and eight small trapizoides from background fabric. 

Block Construction 

Step 1

Sew the two 12” strips together and then sew four of the background small trapezoides to the angled side of the large fabric A trapezoids and press to the dark side. 

Step 2

Now trim the other side of the sewn large trapezoids. This requires you to flip the fabric over so you are cutting from the wrong side of the fabric.

You should end up with four trimmed trapezoides.

Now take your sewn strips and cut them into 1 ½” segments. You should end up with eight segments. 

Step 3 

Repeat step 2 by sewing the remaining four small background trapezoids the newly cut side of the large trapezoid and press towards the light side in this case as discussed in the video. 

Also sew you 1 ½” x 2 ½” segments together to create the little four pieces checkerboard block as shown in the video.


Step 4 

You are almost done so now it's time to construct the block. Make sure all of your little blocks are all trimmed and look pretty. They each should measure 2 ½”. You will sew each row at a time then then sew the three rows together. And your block will be finished. :)

You have just finished your block 8. I hope you enjoyed making this block with me. Now stay tuned for next week's block on the YouTube Channel “Sewing with Cody and Pete”

Petrie is always here ready to help if you have any questions. ;)


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